No Technology One Day Challenge

As my brother would say I’m about to “draw you out.” I’m fed up of scrolling through my newsfeed, to read the latest on the Coronavirus. And I don’t care how “positive” Instagram can be I’m so over scrolling through my feed. If you’ve reached that point too, let’s try doing something different. I double dare you to join my no tech one day challenge.

I usually turn my phone of on the weekend for a breather from the outside, but let’s take it one step further and log off from our laptops and TV’s as well.

Wondering where to start? I’ve written some ideas down below that I use. Try out at least 3 of the things and comment how it went in the section below! Legoooooo!

Have a fashion show!

Go through your wardrobe and mix and match outfits. If you’re anything like me you’ve got items in there that you haven’t worn for years. “Bring em out, bring ‘em out”

Cook something from scratch

Locate one of your recipe books and cook a meal from scratch or bake something. If you don’t have a recipe book, google a recipe that you’ve been meaning to try, and write it down on a piece of paper

Grab a book and read.

Sit yourself down somewhere comfortable and just get lost in the book. To mix it up, read out loud for 5 pages as well.

Sing out loud.

I’m talking about them timeless tracks that you secretly sing in the shower. Step out of the shower and give it all you’ve got. Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton & Mariah Carey bangers are always a good shout! I remix between singing songs that I can remember, attempting to do their beats and then making up my own song words. It works.

Go for a walk.

Don’t bring your phone, don’t play any music and just observe your surroundings. I’ve been doing it for the last 2 weeks and I feel like I’ve rediscovered the world.

Make a vision board.

What would you like your life to look like moving forward? Write words, glue on pictures, or even draw images.

Write a postcard to a friend.

No autocorrect, no touch typing. Just the good old school pen to paper. It actually feels weird at first. When I was younger me and my mum used to sit on either side of the door and write notes to each other pretending we were these random people. It’s one of my favourite childhood memories.

Pause yourself & observe

Sit on the floor, legs crossed with your eyes closed. And just observe the thoughts that come and go in your mind. I’ll start off by taking myself to a ‘peaceful’ place, and then a song with the words peace in it will come into my mind. And then my favourite music artist’s image will come up, then I’ll start wondering what hairstyle she has… Then I start thinking of what I’m going to do with my hair next." …

Create Uplifting Messages

Write affirmation post-it notes for yourself. Uplifting quotes and things you want to remind yourself. Leave them where you can easily access them. Good places are your headboard, on your fridge or in a jar by your bed!

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